
Set products:  Old spice
                          Shelter (charity advertisement)
What is the producer’s purpose of the advert?
What is being represented? (Positive/negative)
How do they use media language?

Marketing:     Creating awareness of somethings release
                            Creating interest in the product/film itself
                            Generate desire to see the film or purchase the product

Purpose of marketing – importance of audience figures and profits and gauging the commercial success of a media product.

4 Ps:

USP – unique selling point
Copy – written explanation of product
Slogan – highlights attributes
Logo – symbol recognisable
Typography – text
Brand identity – what the product ensures

*Include camera shots (revision) 

Analysis: colour, type of shot, angle, focus, mise en scene, realism? narrative?, how are the subjects represented? themes/messages, target audience 

CLAMPS   (spatial behaviour) Actors are overlooked. 
                         include lighting (key light, high-key, low-key, back/top/under lighting)

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