soft drinks advertising 

Image result for gareth bale lucozade ad
  • lucozade logo - dynamic, never ending cycle of drinking it and buying it
  • bold yellow and blue - eye catching (colours of lucozade sport)
  • Gareth Bale - celebrity endorsement 
  • Gareth Bale stats included in advert to suggest what lucozade has done to him to make him so successful
  • 'in a different league' league connotes to football and GB's high status
  • no light-heartedness
  • 1st advert was banned ('better than water')
  • early lucozade adverts highlighted the scientifically proven health benefits (50s)
  • created in 1927 as glucozade to give energy 
  • 1983 re-branded as a sports drink
  • sponsorship deals with various sports 
  • lucozade Sport - no1 sports drink 
  • £4M campaign - AGENCY - grey london
  • lucozade sold to suntory in 2013 for £1.35b 
  • Gareth Bale - Alex Chamberlain
  • campaign banned in 2014 by ASA as it failed to show it only had benefit during prolonged exercise 
  • target audience - sport people, fit people
  • serious, focused, disciplined facial expression of Gareth Bale 
  • masculine representation contrast to the older days where it was just for medical needs.
  • performance and success
  • 'scientifically proven' 'YES' 'Do you Believe?' 'Give your all'
  • total value of the drink market is around £15 billion
  • capitalising on star appeal / star as commodity(makes money)
  • representation of 'man' 'new man' 

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