the big issue

Magazine, language, representation
·                  Media language and representations – social, cultural or political context (influence how media language is used)
·                  Media constructs representations
·                  Niche audience, outside commercial mainstream
·                  2 front covers of the big issue learnt from September (2 years onwards)- front covers should demonstrate representations               that are alternative to the mainstream and of national significance – issues/ events
·                  Study magazine products
·                  CLIFT (for front cover) , locations, CLUMPS, choice of camera shots, angle, typography, FAM, mise en scene
·                  Do not study online magazine
·                   £2.50
·                   Most expensive advert - back cover, 2nd = the back of the front cover  


o                Circulation – number of magazine copies sold (big issue surpassed 200 million copies from 2016)
o                  Readership – total number of people likely to read it
o                Mass audience – readership on a very large scale
o         Niche audience – narrow group of readers
o                Subscription – reader pays for a set number of copies at a lower price in advance and receives them by post
o                 Intertextuality  - one or more media texts working together 
o                 Enigma Code - want to read on 
o                 Masthead  - title 
o                 Plug - text referencing something in the magazine
o                 Puff - story given prominence on the cover
o                 Cover star - star on the front 
o                 Anchorage text - text that anchors main image 
o                 Banner - text runs across bottom of cover 
o                 Skyline - text runs across top of cover 

Advertising Triangle -                    Producer 
                                                 Audience     Advertisement 

- 70% of magazine income comes from sales and advertising 
- Magazines with small circulation rely on advertising. 

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