
Set products:  Old spice
                          Shelter (charity advertisement)
What is the producer’s purpose of the advert?
What is being represented? (Positive/negative)
How do they use media language?

Marketing:     Creating awareness of somethings release
                            Creating interest in the product/film itself
                            Generate desire to see the film or purchase the product

Purpose of marketing – importance of audience figures and profits and gauging the commercial success of a media product.

4 Ps:

USP – unique selling point
Copy – written explanation of product
Slogan – highlights attributes
Logo – symbol recognisable
Typography – text
Brand identity – what the product ensures

*Include camera shots (revision) 

Analysis: colour, type of shot, angle, focus, mise en scene, realism? narrative?, how are the subjects represented? themes/messages, target audience 

CLAMPS   (spatial behaviour) Actors are overlooked. 
                         include lighting (key light, high-key, low-key, back/top/under lighting)


soft drinks advertising 

Image result for gareth bale lucozade ad
  • lucozade logo - dynamic, never ending cycle of drinking it and buying it
  • bold yellow and blue - eye catching (colours of lucozade sport)
  • Gareth Bale - celebrity endorsement 
  • Gareth Bale stats included in advert to suggest what lucozade has done to him to make him so successful
  • 'in a different league' league connotes to football and GB's high status
  • no light-heartedness
  • 1st advert was banned ('better than water')
  • early lucozade adverts highlighted the scientifically proven health benefits (50s)
  • created in 1927 as glucozade to give energy 
  • 1983 re-branded as a sports drink
  • sponsorship deals with various sports 
  • lucozade Sport - no1 sports drink 
  • £4M campaign - AGENCY - grey london
  • lucozade sold to suntory in 2013 for £1.35b 
  • Gareth Bale - Alex Chamberlain
  • campaign banned in 2014 by ASA as it failed to show it only had benefit during prolonged exercise 
  • target audience - sport people, fit people
  • serious, focused, disciplined facial expression of Gareth Bale 
  • masculine representation contrast to the older days where it was just for medical needs.
  • performance and success
  • 'scientifically proven' 'YES' 'Do you Believe?' 'Give your all'
  • total value of the drink market is around £15 billion
  • capitalising on star appeal / star as commodity(makes money)
  • representation of 'man' 'new man' 


big issue cover conventions
         colour (eye-catching)
-                    intertextuality
-                    one main image (usually famous people/ events)
-                    challenges Tories and trump (makes fun of trump)
-                    celebrities
-                    fighting poverty and homelessness
-                    challenge right wing politics
-                    uses main colour


Last Slide

Evaluation - 

Task Given & Target Audience: 

What was the name of your brand?

What research and planning did you undertake?


the big issue

Magazine, language, representation
·                  Media language and representations – social, cultural or political context (influence how media language is used)
·                  Media constructs representations
·                  Niche audience, outside commercial mainstream
·                  2 front covers of the big issue learnt from September (2 years onwards)- front covers should demonstrate representations               that are alternative to the mainstream and of national significance – issues/ events
·                  Study magazine products
·                  CLIFT (for front cover) , locations, CLUMPS, choice of camera shots, angle, typography, FAM, mise en scene
·                  Do not study online magazine
·                   £2.50
·                   Most expensive advert - back cover, 2nd = the back of the front cover  


o                Circulation – number of magazine copies sold (big issue surpassed 200 million copies from 2016)
o                  Readership – total number of people likely to read it
o                Mass audience – readership on a very large scale
o         Niche audience – narrow group of readers
o                Subscription – reader pays for a set number of copies at a lower price in advance and receives them by post
o                 Intertextuality  - one or more media texts working together 
o                 Enigma Code - want to read on 
o                 Masthead  - title 
o                 Plug - text referencing something in the magazine
o                 Puff - story given prominence on the cover
o                 Cover star - star on the front 
o                 Anchorage text - text that anchors main image 
o                 Banner - text runs across bottom of cover 
o                 Skyline - text runs across top of cover 

Advertising Triangle -                    Producer 
                                                 Audience     Advertisement 

- 70% of magazine income comes from sales and advertising 
- Magazines with small circulation rely on advertising. 


MineCraft is an open-world, sandbox RPG game created and designed by Marcus 'Notch' Perrson in May 2009 which was fully, further developed by Mojang who also was responsible for the publication of the product, until it was bought by Microsoft in 2014. The game knows no boundaries and is only limited by your own imagination, with infinite replay-ability which is a vital reason for the game making such success, selling over 150,000,000 copies worldwide.

The game has been made even more popular and has become a commercial success through famous Youtubers such as Ali-A (famous for playing games on his channel) who has 16M subscribers playing it and people then watching him play it and wanting it for themselves. In addition, the game itself was new to the market when it came out as it is the infinite, sand-box, multi-genre and child-friendly game that had created such a strong community of players, who all would talk about it and so word-of-mouth spread. The community that came as a result of the popularity of MineCraft also helped create the company's marketing campaign - by using the players' creations from their account, this allowed MineCraft to advertise it in this way eg. the Game Of Thrones world someone had created was used to show the detail that can be had and how creative it is which attracted more customers.

Minecraft was first played by Notch and he uploaded his gameplay to youtube for some feedback yet it didn't have a name at this point, then less than a week later, he released the free, classic version. With which, Notch started charging for downloads of the game at £8 and would update it and add features every Friday where also, the sales were rising. From September 2009 to December Mojang developed the game and added gradually, a survival mode, bigger terrains and larger maps. This gradual release of more and more exciting new features of the game kept consumers excited for the releases and they wanted to be a part of it. It is now a commercial success with over 150 million copies sold (4th quarter of 2018 statistics) and an estimated 55 million people playing the game every month. It is known to be the second best-selling game of all time. With the purchase Microsoft made from Mojang in 2014 for $2.5 billion to buy the game, Microsoft has now allowed the game to be platform agnostic and the digital distribution has allowed the game to be accessible through almost any device, as opposed to just PC where it started.

Also, due to the success, it has been able to create 'spin-off' games to further increase revenue such as 'Story-Mode', 'Education Edition', the education edition was created by Microsoft to be used for educational purposes which was very beneficial because there was no age limit, young children were playing the game already, so releasing as game for education was perfect as they would enjoy the activities on a game they love.



Story of MineCraft:

17th May 2009 - Notch first released the game with basic settings after he uploaded his gameplay to youtube

21st May 2009 - Accounts were able to be registered with the game in order to play it

24th May 2009 - Official Minecraft forum is opened and the community is built

8th June 2009 - Multiplayer was first released and new terrains were built with bigger maps

20th October 2009 - Beginning of the survival test, so the settings were survival and freeplay 

17th June 2010 – Minecraft passes 20,000 sales.

22nd July 2010 – First over internet test of survival mode on multiplayer.

16th October 2010 – Mojang was founded by Notch.

22nd December 2010 – Minecraft beta version was released.

15th January 2011 – Minecraft reaches a million sales.

1st July 2011 – Minecraft passes 10 million registered users.

9th May 2012 – released on Xbox 360, the game was becoming platform agnostic

12th December 2013 – Minecraft surpasses 13 million sales.

4th September 2014 – PlayStation four edition released.

5th September 2014 – Minecraft Xbox One edition released.

30th June 2015 – Minecraft surpasses 20 million sales.

13th October 2015 – Minecraft story mode released.

17th December 2015 – Minecraft Wii U edition released

2nd June 2016 – Minecraft sold over 100 million times across all platforms and becomes one of the bestselling games ever.

27th June 2016 – Minecraft announces release of Minecraft the Movie

10th December 2017 – Minecraft hits 74 million hits 74 million active players and 144 million total sales.

21st Jun 2018 - MineCraft was released on Nintendo Switch